About Allen Financial Corporation
Allen Financial Corporation was formally organized in early 1978. The business had operated for many years prior as the finance division of one of the larger construction equipment distributorships in the central United States. The company's founder, Bryce Allen, was involved for over thirty years in the operation and in ownership of Caterpillar Tractor dealerships. In the early 1980s, Greg Allen joined Bryce, his father, at AFC and is currently the company's President. A lawyer by background, Greg was formerly a partner in a large law firm in Kansas City. Bryce Allen retired in 1989.
AFC expanded and varied the focus of its business over the course of the 1980s and since, pursuing a diversified range of equipment lines. The company pursues business throughout the continental U.S., with activity predominate in the Midwest and Southwest. Over the years, AFC has progressively refocused its approach to fixed asset financing to address the changing needs of new and established clients.
Experience, flexible business approaches and responsive operating structures have permitted AFC a significant role in relevant markets and have produced a record of superior and consistent service.
AFC expanded and varied the focus of its business over the course of the 1980s and since, pursuing a diversified range of equipment lines. The company pursues business throughout the continental U.S., with activity predominate in the Midwest and Southwest. Over the years, AFC has progressively refocused its approach to fixed asset financing to address the changing needs of new and established clients.
Experience, flexible business approaches and responsive operating structures have permitted AFC a significant role in relevant markets and have produced a record of superior and consistent service.